Are DUI Checkpoints Wasting Your Time?
Have you ever been stopped in a DUI checkpoint? Ever felt like it was a giant waste of your time, and perhaps the police were trying to flex their authority? You might be right. A recent hidden camera showed police officers making arbitrary decisions that allowed them to violate the right’s of citizens who were driving through the checkpoint. It is an eye-opening video that shows what is easily one of the biggest fears most citizens have about police officers, that they are taking advantage of their authority. Situations like this make it even more important for you to know your rights, and understand what is and is not legal for police to do during a DUI checkpoint stop.
At this checkpoint two hundred and fifty vehicles were stopped and twenty of those vehicles were detained for further investigations. Three vehicles were searched, and the probable cause on that is in question. Thirty two citations were made but only one of those citations was for DUI. The other citations were for child restraint devices, registration law violations, light violations, suspended or revoked driver’s license violations, insurance violations, other driver’s license violations, and safety belt violations. Of the two hundred and fifty vehicles that were stopped at this particular DUI checkpoint, only one turned up a DUI arrest.
The numbers on DUI checkpoints are both staggering and confusing. Some studies show that in most DUI checkpoints only one percent of those who have driven through are under the influence of alcohol. Meanwhile, other studies, like one published my Mother’s Against Drunk Driving, show that every $1 invested in DUI checkpoints saves a city $6 to $23, because those drunk drivers are removed from the road and do not harm themselves, other drivers, or the community. Based on those reports it would seem as though DUI checkpoints are more than worth the hassle of stopping every driver.
At the heart of this, the DUI checkpoints may not be the issue. The bigger issue may be the officers behind them flexing their power and imposing their threats. A DUI checkpoint can be terrifying, but it is even more scary when the officer in charge begins an uncomfortable power struggle, pushing the boundaries of their legal limitations to the absolute brink. Be sure that you know your rights as far as a DUI checkpoint is concerned, and also be sure that if you are drinking you designate a driver, or use other options such as a taxi.
DUI checkpoints often stop many drivers who are not driving under the influence, and do not deserve to be stopped. In that same DUI checkpoint though, they stop several drivers who have been drinking, and potentially save the life of an innocent driver who could have their life forever impacted by a drunk driver. It is important to keep drunk drivers off the road, but what impact, negative or otherwise is that having on our driving privileges, and our legal rights? The most important thing you can do to protect yourself from a power-greedy police officer is to know your rights, and stand strong by them. Also keep in mind that not every police officer is trying to strong arm you. Drive safe, know your rights, and you will be able to come out of this unscathed.
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