All of Your Ignition Interlock Questions Answered
Answers to many of your questions about Ignition Interlocks and more can be found in our Smart Start blog. As a trusted industry leader recognized by State Authorities, national organizations and media publications throughout the years, Smart Start continues to help drivers stay safe on the road.
Back-Seat Driver: Blow-in-a-tube device may foil drunken drivers
General InformationThis story is taken from Sacbee / News.
By Tony Bizjak -
Published 12:00 am PDT Monday, April 7, 2008
With drunken driving deaths in California rising, lawmakers and law enforcers are turning to a little black box as…
State lawmakers ponder requiring ignition interlocks for drunk-driving offenders
General InformationThe devices currently are installed by court order. Alcohol trade groups say they're an invasion of privacy.
By Ken Bensinger, Los Angeles - Times Staff Writer
Published May 24, 2008
Should convicted drunk drivers be forced to pass an…
CHP Commissioner & MADD National CEO Support Anti-Drunk Driving Legislation
General InformationCalifornia Political Desk
April 10, 2008
LOS ANGELES, CA- Assemblymember Mike Feuer was joined by California Highway Patrol Commissioner Joe Farrow and MADD National CEO Chuck Hurley to support critical anti-drunk driving legislation than…
DUI car locks could be coming to California
General InformationBy Ron Naso
Published 8:58 am PDT Sunday, May 25, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- A vote on ignition interlock devices goes before the Assembly in Sacramento this week. The special breathalyzers are nothing new in other states, but if passed…
Merits of laws requiring mandatory ignition interlock devices for convicted drunk drivers
General InformationNadine Lewis of the National Association of Ignition Interlock Providers appeared on “Fox and Friends” Tuesday morning to discuss a false and misleading ad campaign about ignition interlock devices paid for by a trade group representing…